
Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Underarm Waxing VS Shaving

There’s nothing worse than a hairy armpit...yikes! The underarm is the one area women should make sure is a clean sweep, "no hair." Waxed armpits, also known as the "Hollywood Underarm," have become very popular, and is now considered a part of women's maintenance these days.
Frequent shaving underneath the armpit may cause hair to grow in thicker, darker and coarse, which may also lead to additional shaving with dark discolored armpits, and ingrown hairs. Waxing underneath the arm is very beneficial; it's proven to lighten up the armpit area over time. While shaving just takes hair off the surface, waxing pulls the hair from the follicle, which helps to exfoilate dead skin cells and cut down on perspiration. Because the hair is being pulled from the follicle, it slows down the hair growth tremendously and causes armpits to lighten up from exfoliating.
Over a period of time you will begin to see your armpits lighten up, and hair will begin to grow in a pattern and sparsely, not thick and darker as it does when shaving. Summer time is coming, and the last thing you need is to be caught with your arms up in the air with a bush or dark spotting underneath. All ladies, if they don’t already, should make this a part of your weekly maintenance.

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