
Tuesday, April 15, 2014

4 Places You Shouldn’t Go On A First Date

First dates are usually nerve-racking. Unless you can fly her off to Paris or some other romantic location, chances are you are in for a very few jittery hours. You have to present your best side, you have to be funny, you have to be interesting and most of all, you have to impress. Here is a short list of places you should never go to on a first date.

1. To the Movies

Now we know this is a staple of the dating world. But when it comes to a first date, you should try as much as you can not to go to the movies. You may think that watching a movie will save you hours of endless awkward silence; which it will, but you will not get to know each other either. The reason you are both going on this date is so you can get to know each and see if there is a spark there. Not talking to each other, sort of negates the whole point of this exercise.

2. To Your Favorite Bar

This might sound like a good idea for a first date; you know the scene, it’s your home turf and everybody says hi or nods in your direction. This might give you a bit of a ‘popular guy’ vibe and it might even impress your date how cool and well known you are. The problem is, this is the same place your friends come to and it is the very same place where everyone knows you. You and your date may never get those precious one on one moments that can be the beginning of something special. Besides, she might get uncomfortable being around all your friends the first time out with you.

3. To The Club

You should never take your date to the club on a first date. It is too loud, too crowded; all the wrong elements that you want to avoid for a successful first date.

4. To Dinner

What was that? Did we just say not to take your first date out to dinner? Yes, we did. It’s romantic, reasonably quiet, there’s just the two of you at the table sitting across from each other and there’s food. Therein lies the problem. 

Sitting across each other in a fancy restaurant ordering foods you can barely pronounce may seem romantic and it appears to work in movies all the time, but it can be too intimidating in real life. If conversations get dry and no connection is established between the two of you, the rest of the night is going to get real awkward fast. Don’t forget you will be on the hook for an expensive bill too.

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